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Sunglasses HIPANDA x POPEYE joint strong launch panda!

by:Eugenia     2020-08-09
HIPANDA glasses brand POPEYE's tide, hand in hand strong launch united by item [ HIPANDA x POPEYE ] 。 'Hip hop fashion - Fashion glasses ( 流行, 眼睛) ', is the main brand gene, glasses are not only the important tool of auxiliary vision, more should be fashion accessories, an important part of modern life. Take the lead in put out the eyes of the concept, created a totally different taste of art, created a wholly new glasses accessories fashion craze. ( HIPANDA x POPEYE] The panda is the military camouflage element to combine with the sun glasses, create four different tide sheet is tasted, fashionistas. HIPANDA * POPEYE POPEYE joint model of sunglasses camouflage green HIPANDA paragraphs have sunglasses camouflage blue HIPANDA x POPEYE joint sunglasses camouflage HIPANDA x POPEYE joint model of sunglasses black and white camouflage brand clothing network, this article from black and white is slightly modified, if you want to delete please contact kaity @ yichao. Cn
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