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Sunglasses model chosen lip color only then to be perfect to see how actress, model

by:Eugenia     2020-08-06
A lot of people out of the street is wearing sunglasses to hide his no makeup without makeup face, sometimes really too busy to have no time to make up? The actress, do it! 1. Fan bingbing, dark brown aviator sunglasses + brown brick red lipstick aviator sunglasses fashionable brick red lipstick collocation, the collocation of tide mark fan bingbing is so fashionable capricious. Unique color as silk dazzle bright lip color, incredible experience make-up, smooth texture and durable as silk bright color to dissolve into her lips. 2. Gao aviator sunglasses + bean paste color lipstick translucent aviator sunglasses and popular bean paste color lipstick overall modelling seems to be very stylish look, you also might as well give it a try. 3. Victoria song black sunglasses and black sunglasses + orange lipstick any lipstick color is very good collocation, won't appear very abrupt, Victoria song is chose to show the orange lipstick collocation of color. Similar style sunglasses recommendation: sunglasses factory YC9801C1 black female fashion retro 4 big box polarized sunglasses. Li bingbing pale gold aviator sunglasses + this summer was a pale pink lipstick aviator sunglasses, the choice of the female stars are the similar style, li bingbing is paired with a pale pink lipstick, maiden temperament immediately came out. 5. Li xiaolu black mirror sunglasses black + pink lipstick reflective sunglasses are indispensable many hipsters, li xiaolu is paired with a pink lipstick and black border is tie-in, and looked very cute. 6. Zhang Xinyi blue aviator sunglasses + pink gloss blue glasses actually very bad lipstick collocation, too many gorgeous colors will be upstaged the sunglasses, light lipstick color is the most appropriate. Similar style sunglasses recommend: LeiPengChao frameless lens dazzle colour blue alloy large yards after watching these actresses demonstration is tie-in, can match the lipstick of quickly felt in his pocket to see what sunglasses!
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