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The beauty of the bright view starting BVLGARI Serpenti eternal glasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-18
Bright view open dot eyeball jewelry aesthetic BVLGARI Serpenti eternal beauty series bright viewpoint cobras in exclusive starting March 11, 2013 in Shanghai (/ pr newswire / - - Today, BVLGARI Serpenti LensCrafters bright view exclusive first launch of the everlasting beauty series three brand new glasses. The six fashion to be bestowed favor on newly in adhering to the Serpenti has been costly spirit's beautiful at the same time, also joined the new manual grinding and enamel craft, and swarovski crystals in deco mirror feet, make it very special temperament. BVLGARI Serpenti eternal beauty series exclusive starting bright viewpoint cobras BVLGARI Serpenti eternal beauty series exclusive starting BVLGARI Serpenti new bright point cobras glasses series, in addition to let people have the opportunity to experience the charm of BVLGARI, immersed in the history of its brand and the representative's snake logo, also let a person focus on BVLGARI has been highly praised the concept of 'the immortal beauty'. Serpentine pattern as the design soul of BVLGARI Serpenti jewelry series, has long been considered a sign of brand personality. A symbol of the wisdom and energy recovery of snakes, was in the early 1940 s BVLGARI used in the first Serpenti table bracelet. Exquisite handicraft serpentine pattern with BVLGARI brand unique design style, luxury, and with a natural and elegant, beautiful, noble flavor. Serpenti series through the winding smooth serpentine posture, and combines the gold-plated handmade jewelry, glazing process and makes it perfectly wound on your wrist, so as to give his immortal symbol of eternal classic and unique vitality. The goddess do exist, only they know the contact between the proposition that the female. Even so, some of the details will show their divinity. In the film 'cleopatra', Richard Patton wanted to use a symbol can become eternal charm treasure to praise - Elizabeth Taylor's beautiful beautiful, gave her a BVLGARI Serpenti series for this bracelet. It was in 1963 of the past, but BVLGARI Serpenti jewelry series until today have demonstrated its unique in people's heart of the goddess of the gas. Like every time change growth of the snake, BVLGARI Serpenti jewelry in the absorption of classical elements, extract the new series of BVLGARI Serpenti glasses. Today, the world known serpentine legendary design has been cleverly for BVLGARI brand makes its pre-eminence, as well as the ancient jewelry company from Rome, continue to write and magnificent chapter. Bright view website: http://www. lenscrafters。 com. cn
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