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The couple fashion new competition officially launched

by:Eugenia     2020-08-18
A sponsored by the sea very well glasses for variant set 'of' the theme of the fashionable new selection contest has been officially launched, this activity through the network platform, will last from April 18 to June 18. The competition of core concept is 'I have a type, I am beautiful', encourage those at ordinary times is pay attention to fashion, but also has its own outstanding personality of young people to participate in, are more free game content is very rich, can put forward their personal creative ideas, provide new fashion glasses collocation solution, including contact lens, sunglasses, optical glasses and so on various aspects of the product, your ideas at the same time. The winner will have the opportunity to mount media ruili fashion magazines, obtain 5000 yuan fashion travel fund, the couple sunglasses, ruili club HORIEN variant fashion salon tickets. Opportunity is rare, not to be missed, those great tips to fashion or is interested in fashion, my friends, come to oh!
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