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The difference between myopia and hyperopia?_Industry News_

by:Eugenia     2022-03-06
Farsightedness and nearsightedness are very different. Shortsightedness means that the near sight is not clear, and if the hyperopia is high, it is not clear whether it is near or far. The correction methods for myopia and hyperopia are also different. Patients with farsightedness are sometimes more distressed than those with nearsightedness. Let's take a look at the difference between nearsightedness and farsightedness. Myopia is because when the light enters the eye, the focus of the light falls in front of the retina without the adjustment of the ciliary muscle, while the opposite is the case in hyperopia, and the image formed falls behind the retina. Myopic patients see blurry near distances, while farsighted patients need to increase their refractive power to see far away, and to see near distances requires more adjustment. Therefore, farsighted patients are more prone to visual fatigue than myopic patients. Generally speaking, if you are mildly farsighted and you are young, you can see near and far without any problem. Hyperopia is generally the eyeball with a short anterior-posterior axis, and some eyes have weak refractive power (called refractive hyperopia). The visual acuity and age of hyperopia and the degree of hyperopia have different manifestations, which are shown in normal near vision and distance vision; poor near vision, good distance vision; poor near vision and distance vision. Some hyperopia can also form strabismus and amblyopia and other conditions. Under normal circumstances, myopic eyes are clear at near distances, but blurry at distances, and need to be corrected with a concave lens; while farsighted eyes are blurry at near distances and clear at distances, they need to be corrected with convex lenses.
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