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The key to choose the right sunglasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-10
1, picture frame, in most cases, our frames are natural radian. But the life needs innovation. If we can put the picture frame curve design with some special shapes can be very creative. The less perfect girls face more can be to hide yourself.
2, with some diamond frame also is pretty good. Location good selection of diamond frame extension and contraction of the entire face shape play a role. Wearing a silver necklace will echo diamond will be more perfect.
3, white picture frame will be popular this year. Can clearly draw the outline of the outline of glasses with white, simple design, writing neatly. Wear black and white and dichromatic.
4, the color of the picture frame with yellow or green is unusual, but it is should be few and far between, so outstanding. But also can bring a little cool hot summer. Good clothes in candy colors, very can reveal you pure lovely.
5, frame and lens color the same time how to choose? Can make a picture frame on the color more light, to draw a line, neither does not interfere with the overall harmony and avoid the chaos is not clear.

2, lens
6, the shape of the lens is closely related to the face. Slant face long people suits to choose a flat and wide rectangle frames, you can visually perfect face shape aspect ratio.
7, more angular face shape is more suitable for sunglasses with a square. Can highlight the outline of you feeling more. But this kind of sunglasses is a square face of the box.
8, if you feel your face is lovely small round face, master lens will be very suitable for you. For you to add a little nifty and the flavor of the alternative.
9, for the frame, you can choose to many shape glasses. But the small lenses, partial long can highlight your natural shape will be more advantage.
10, a big black last year has hit, still not out of date this year. Big face girl can try. Color is not necessarily confined to the black.
11, gradient from T stage flying off the shelves this year already. Eyes can also be integrated into this very good line element. But the more suitable for when the light is not too strong.
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