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Thierry Lasry release 2015 chun xia series of retro sunglasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-31
The bird uncle wear sunglasses in jiangnan style brand is Thierry Lasry. But Thierry Lasry sunglasses is quite popular with some stars, this has to do with Thierry Lasry sunglasses to own charm natural distribution, the launch of the spring/summer 2015 sunglasses series is combined with the design inspiration of restoring ancient ways, present a more dazzling is a fashion item. The famously bold avant-garde art van Thierry Lasry sunglasses was the idol of many stars, but also attracted many fashionistas. French big Thierry Lasry sunglasses unique design, exquisite pure arts and crafts, presents the high quality of the pursuit of fashion sense. Thierry Lasry released 2015 chun xia sunglasses series, fashionable breath, restoring ancient ways of design inspiration and the integration of modern fashion, combined with the unique color combination, the iconic cat's eye sunglasses show fashion, strong aura, wear resistance of material after pure handmade make, delicate texture, bright beautiful luster feeling will be the cat's eye sunglasses perfect show reveal sexy and fashionable breath. Thierry Lasry this series of sunglasses characterizes women's sexy and beautiful, fashionable and generous. For men is to focus on showing its intellectual side, handsome elegant and reveal elegant temperament, keep the charm of men's constantly moving. Or whether it is frivolous in the cat's eye shape is still relatively gentle modelling of cat's eye sunglasses, Thierry Lasry2015 has power to be reckoned with in the spring and summer series, easily let your eye fixations, unique color combinations and lively line are tie-in, reflect the unique fashion sense of this series.
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