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Transformers 4 male Lord wahlberg with stylish sunglasses

by:Eugenia     2020-08-26
Takeaway: this is a doomed the boiling summer, director Michael bay with his 4 'transformers' and a new male Lord mark wahlberg strong confidence. Mark wahlberg dress up is always leading the fashion! Mark wahlberg the chevy glasses reason is very simple, not only because the Chevrolet fashion trends, but because of the Chevrolet driving glasses, makes every effort to give drivers safer driving experience, bear this with his role as a father's consistent idea! With N turned 4 proves to labels. The transformers 4 BuFuZhongWang, launched three days in the mainland more than 6. 1. 3 billion at the box office, made box office history first Zhou Xingao in mainland China. The men of 4 mark wahlberg plays a single father, because his wife early death all love on his daughter ty Sally, if not accidentally discovered the optimus prime, and their life may be ordinary, but it is because the war involved in cars and the decepticons, gave the outbreak of the feelings between father and daughter. Wahlberg with fashion sunglasses pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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