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Victoria wore their brand appearance is concise and spell able snowboarding progresses

by:Eugenia     2020-07-28
Recently, Victoria to wear their own brand, black-rimmed glasses, striped T black pants that grabs an eye, plus point high heels. Concise and spell able, flavour is dye-in-the-wood. Recommended with sunglasses, ray-ban RB4228F men sunglasses black/dark green piece of Victoria Beckham (901/71 Victoria Beckham) , born on April 17, 1974 Yu Haite field, British singer and fashion designer. In 1997, she became a popular combination is one of the members of the spice girls. Later married to soccer star David Beckham, in 2006, Victoria served as chief designer, create brand DVB. In 2011, Victoria won the British fashion designer. Pictures from Internet, if you want to delete please contact kaity @ yichao. Cn
related: designer sunglasses fashion sunglasses
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