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Want to know how do you wear sunglasses with a hat?

by:Eugenia     2020-07-26
The hot summer is coming, many friends go out will be armed to the teeth, put on his hat put on sunglasses, but the collocation of the hat and sunglasses are skilled, if there is no good collocation, the vision will play the role of points! , especially the original glasses friends need to pay more attention to the collocation of the hat and glasses. Ms sunglasses factory YC9703 sunglasses C3 black/dazzle colour blue hat and sunglasses are suitable, the first thing to pay attention to the size of the match. Hat is the display of individual character style, suitable for collocation is exaggerated modelling sunglasses. A narrow down the hat or small cap, with broad square sunglasses, plastic box can appear lively and lovely, personality is distinct. Along the flanging bonnet collocation thick edge of dark sunglasses, elegant with a capable of handsome. Like clothes, make-up for color integrity effect, the colour collocation of the hat and sunglasses are also important. In general, the color of the hat is like a light shades of color. Popular panama hat deepen color light color plastic box big sunglasses, very fashionable. If use pink cap and boldly pink large sunglasses, will bring unexpected natural, sweet and pure and fresh feeling. It is important to pay special attention to the hat and glasses collocation has three big box! First of all, don't put the black hat and the super black sunglasses collocation are together, look like a blind man; Secondly, this year the new sunglasses in blue, bright yellow, bright color, such as light green, fluorspar powder color is bad to backfire. Such as green with red is the big fear of colour collocation; , a hat and sunglasses style difference is not too large, the hat is not usually collocation model serious sunglasses. If you wear a super wide brim hat big straw hat, then choose the tiny metal frame sunglasses, obviously not very well. Sunglasses factory YC9705 general light black/lenses grey sunglasses how to choose sunglass C1 is skilled, glasses take to face a second variable star! Heart-shaped face heart-shaped face, wide forehead, the chin is pointed. The face on wide below narrow design to avoid as far as possible, like joker travelers Wayfarer, cat's eye Cateye and movement of paragraph Sport can be. Round face round-faced people face line is not obvious, should choose some partial Square, angular sunglasses, must avoid the round box, it will make your face look more rounded, like the travelers Wayfarer, paragraphs cat's eye Cateye and Square Square are suitable. Oval faces in the face of people don't have to worry about, all sorts of models are suitable for you, as long as you choose a their loved ones, like the popular travelers paragraphs Wayfarer and pilot Aviator is pretty good and oversized style Oversize can also oh. People choose relatively small square face square face, because the face chiseled, so you can choose some soft fruity style to your facial lines, like Round Round, oval frames and even box shields are pretty good.
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