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What about young people with hyperopia? _Industry News_

by:Eugenia     2022-02-26
Be careful when your vision is poor, some of the symptoms that exist are a sign of many vision problems. And farsightedness also exists in some young people. If detected earlier, better timely treatment. Let's take a look at the symptoms of juvenile hyperopia? How to deal with juvenile hyperopia. Adolescents with farsightedness may experience some changes in their vision. Due to the level of hyperopia diopter and the strength of the adjustment of the eyes have a certain impact. Therefore, in general mild hyperopia, due to the use of the accommodative ability of the eye, it is relatively normal to see far and near, and adolescents have strong accommodative ability, so when the use of accommodative ability can overcome the defect of refractive error, those with mild or moderate hyperopia Adolescents with nearsightedness can see far and near very well. But with age, farsightedness will become more and more obvious. However, if you are hyperopic, you will not be able to see things clearly with your ability to adjust. Therefore, if you are hyperopic, your eyes will tire more quickly, and if you are hyperopic, you will be blurry whether you are looking near or far. There are different names for the condition of young people with farsightedness, depending on the condition of farsightedness. For those adolescents with moderate to high farsightedness, who have normal distance vision and poor near vision, or both distance and near vision are abnormal, it is called dominant farsightedness. Those who compensate for the ability of accommodation to make both farsightedness and nearsightedness normal are called latent farsightedness. Generally speaking, it is normal for children under the age of 6 to have hyperopia, which is usually physiological and can be corrected without correction. However, if there is weakened vision or esotropia, optometry is still required. Generally, for adolescents over 6 years old, mild hyperopia has decreased vision, visual fatigue, etc., you can consider wearing glasses to correct refractive errors. If the farsightedness is very low, and the distance and near vision are normal, and there are no other conditions, it is not necessary to wear glasses. It should be noted that before wearing glasses, adolescents need to undergo dilated optometry.
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