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What is the price of Bausch u0026 Lomb contact lenses_contact lenses_

by:Eugenia     2022-01-31
Bausch u0026 Lomb's contact lenses are a brand of beauty contact lenses under Bausch u0026 Lomb. They are produced by using superb technology and innovative means. Bausch u0026 Lomb's contact lenses contain silicone hydrogel materials, so the contact lenses in the United States The market share of glasses is the first. The oxygen permeability of contact lenses made of this material is 5 times that of ordinary contact lenses, and it has the function of locking water and maintaining the function of water retention. At the same time, the lenses of Bausch u0026 Lomb contact lenses are made of PERFORMA material, which can prevent the aggregation of protein deposits, reduce dry eyes, and make wearing more comfortable and healthy. What is the price of Bausch u0026 Lomb contact lenses? Let's find out together. Bausch u0026 Lomb glasses are classified according to the cycle. There are half-year, annual, monthly, and daily types; half-yearly Bausch u0026 Lomb Qinglang half-yearly throws 2 pieces Market price: 123.0 yuan Bausch u0026 Lomb imported Qinglang half-yearly throws 2 pieces : 120.0 yuan Bausch u0026 Lomb Shui Ling Yuemei half-yearly toss market price: 108.0 yuan Bausch u0026 Lomb green year throw 1 piece Bausch u0026 Lomb Pure Vision Monthly 3-piece market price: 299.0 yuan, OULE price: 180.0 yuan Bausch u0026 Lomb Qinglang monthly 12-piece market price: 374.0 yuan, OULE price: 225.0 yuan Bausch u0026 Lomb Qinglang monthly 6-piece Market price: 196.0 yuan, OULE price: 118.0 yuan Bausch u0026 Lomb Qinglang monthly 3-piece market price: 108.0 yuan, OULE price: 65.0 yuan daily Bausch u0026 Lomb Qinglang daily 30-piece market price: 365.0 yuan, OULE price: 220.0 Yuan Bausch u0026 Lomb Qinglang Daily Disposable 5-piece Market Price: RMB 83.0, OULE Price: RMB 50.0 Bausch u0026 Lomb Lace Daily Disposal 30 Pieces Market Price: RMB 390.0, OULE Price: RMB 235.0 The lens material of Bausch u0026 Lomb contact lenses is Polymacon non-ionic The processing technology makes the surface of the lens clean and clean, and the highly oxygen-permeable material of innovative silicone hydrogel locks water molecules, allowing oxygen to penetrate naturally, allowing the eyes to breathe naturally, making the wearer more comfortable, healthy and safe.
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