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What should I do if my child is farsighted? _Industry information_

by:Eugenia     2022-04-14
Compared with myopia patients, hyperopia patients can usually move the focus of the parallel light from the outside to the retina through their own adjustment power, so as to obtain clearer long-distance vision. However, myopia patients are unable to adjust the focus of the parallel light due to pathological changes in the fundus, resulting in blurred vision. Therefore, under normal circumstances, there are more patients with hyperopia in the elderly. For children or under-age children, there are fewer patients with hyperopia, but some children also suffer from hyperopia. So what to do with children with farsightedness, let's take a look together below. Children with hyperopia generally do not have blurred distance objects, unless they are highly hyperopic patients. However, if patients with hyperopia are not treated in time, the accommodative power of the eyes will gradually decrease with age. When the accommodative power of the eyes cannot be compensated for the ability to see distant objects clearly, the blur of distant objects will appear. Phenomenon, this kind of situation is more in the proportion of middle-aged and elderly people. For children with hyperopia, if it is not hyperopia, as long as you pay more attention to rest and eat more foods containing protein, calcium, zinc, and vitamins A, B, and C, your hyperopia will gradually be corrected. However, in order to better control the development of hyperopia and prevent mild hyperopia from turning into high hyperopia, it is better to use the following methods to correct: <1>. Wear lens correction: that is, go to a regular optician to get glasses, you can choose frame glasses , You can also choose an orthokeratology lens. However, from the perspective of safety and effectiveness, since the cornea is in the developmental stage of children, it is better to wear moderate glasses for correction, because the orthokeratology lens reduces the component of oxygen breathing in the eyes to a certain extent, which may cause problems. It can cause severe hypoxia in the eyes and cause eye diseases such as keratitis, conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers. <2> Surgical treatment: Surgery is mainly for patients with high hyperopia. It is mainly to cut the cornea, so as to achieve a clear vision of distant objects and clear objects. But for children, the cornea is just in the developmental stage and is not suitable for surgical treatment, so as to avoid some unnecessary sequelae after surgery. In summary, we can know that for children with hyperopia, if they are not particularly high-level hyperopia, it is better to go to a regular spectacle shop with a moderate frame glasses for correction, so as to control the development of their hyperopia. At the same time, it is better to avoid long-term use of the eyes or avoid eye infections, so as not to reduce the resistance of the eyes to the outside world.
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