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Worthy of the name 'glasses control' - — Elton John

by:Eugenia     2020-07-29
Singer Elton John is a famous British pop music creation, is one of the top music renowned artist, this is everyone knows the identity of the, but there must be a lot of people don't know, he is really a 'real' glasses control! He likes collecting glasses, number reached more than 20000 vice, the number of sunglasses also has more than one thousand, let's take a look at a few of them to open the baidu search images, Elton John's photo is not wearing glasses is wearing dark glasses, it will 'glasses accused of' three word interpretation incisively and vividly. Elton John sunglasses show is more interesting, is the abundance of color, design is complete. This is only a small part of the oh, see his glasses show, are you considering to et a? The small make up recommend a glasses and sunglasses will give you the ~ hipster glass frame sunglasses factory FB5012C4 black glasses plate non-mainstream wooden leg glasses ray ban RB3532 001/68 men sunglasses gold
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