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Xu Songchao black-rimmed glasses handsome type photo

by:Eugenia     2020-08-28
Takeaway: vae recently exposed a new set of photo, costumes and walking in the mountains, 'interweave together' with nature carefree and comfortable, black-rimmed glasses to resist the depth a stern look. Xu Songchao assembly type black-rimmed glasses handsome vae with fashionable black-rimmed glasses, send out a literary tinge, personality frankness vae, was born on May 14, 1986, anhui hefei, mainland pop singer, who graduated from the department of anhui medical university. Independence in 2009 published the first and the whole album 'custom', published in 2010, the second and the whole album 'apocalypse for the fog. Joining the sea butterfly music in 2011, launched the third songwriter all creative album 'Scotland has no bottom. Published in July 2012 the fourth album 'sleepwalking meter Zhang Quan creation, music talent by music professionals, become China's music is notable musicians, lift & quot; Song type & quot; Boom. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
related: glasses black-rimmed glasses
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