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Yang yu ying glasses on girls

by:Eugenia     2020-08-23
Recently, the 42-year-old herself Yang yu ying in drying out a pretty pictures on weibo, dressed in a black thin dust coat, wearing a black glass frame her scissors hand photos show MOE, obtain the net friend praised. Although already 42, the goddess of the skin is very delicate, you couldn't see any traces of years passing by, black frame hid under a pair of innocent eyes. Internet message boards praised the goddess was beautiful. As Chinese music sweet song days later, the first herself Yang yu ying, though in retirement years, return after is engaged in led industry, but still able to resist the fans love to her, and the host of 'the unique' also praised. While engaged in led industry, but those classic songs in the Yang yu ying still memorable. It is reported, whether the horse spring evening, Yang yu ying will sing with look for, the 'not old legend' will be used their classic songs for air generation memory of youth.
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