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Zhang Hanna plunge into an sunglasses in hangzhou doubt love at the same time

by:Eugenia     2020-09-07
Recently, the Hans zhang and GuLiNa on my flight to hangzhou. Day are both sunglasses covered face, Hans zhang is wearing a pink T-shirt wearing a pair of black first arrived, GuLiNa is wearing a short skirt wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses get to the airport later, two people may seem very low-key. But some said two people like to camouflage to arrive at the airport half an hour apart. By netizens was captured in the photo, both moment looking at an cell phone seems to contact each other love. Hans zhang fresh sunglasses dress made airport GuLiNa firm ( Gulnazar) , born on May 2, 1992 in urumqi, xinjiang, China mainland actress, model, since the age of 16 part-time plane model and dancers, xinjiang, studied at art institute accessorial middle school. Performance in 2011 and was admitted to Beijing film academy undergraduate class, after the signing of Shanghai tang film production co. , LTD. Star, 'online the xuanyuan sword', 'the police story 2013', 'break up the master', 'dawn rise of rascal hero', 'I will accompany me to the movies love', '' wu zhao zilong god' and so on the film and television works. GuLiNa wearing sunglasses, wear short skirt small pure and fresh and appeared in the airport pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact kaity @ yichao. Cn
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