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Zhao wei couple photo sweet daughter small star rocks show in April

by:Eugenia     2020-08-23
Recently, microblog drying out a zhao wei and the husband Huang Youlong sweet pictures, photos of two people smile in the face of the lens, sweet show, Zhao Weize cover your trademark with a sunglasses big eyes, big style is dye-in-the-wood. In addition, zhao wei daughter small sprout in April as also suffered exposure, in the photo genetic mother zhao wei's big eyes, small April star rocks show. In 2008, zhao wei and wealthy Huang Youlong love each other, in 2009 the two were married register, little was born in April 2010, zhao wei big eyes movements are concerned by the fans, fans and friends after her daughter's small was born in April for new mothers and fathers in succession of zhao wei couple send you my best wishes. Zhao wei from pregnancy to motherhood, small daughter April has been praised by the media and fans. April now, little is grow up day by day, the big, round eyes and her mother zhao wei is very similar, more and more beautiful little star rocks in April also more and more have a star.
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