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Zhou bichang leisure denim and trendy sunglasses cool

by:Eugenia     2020-08-28
Guide, has long been the airport take pictures for a lot of artists like battlefield, even if only a momentary well dressing up, but the 'bolt', have affinity more casual, and only by a pair of fashionable sunglasses the passers-by throw a few streets, wearing a cowboy coat cool more become a bright spot. , casual denim and trendy sunglasses cool,,, BiBi Zhou) , Chinese pop singer, songwriters, actor, Begins organizing people and brand design director, was born on July 26, 1985, in changsha, hunan. 2005 super girl won the second place of the way. In 2006, the Hong Kong mandarin power awards in new 'national popular singer'. In 2007, she traveled to Los Angeles music academy and graduated with straight A grades. With Gemini 2008 album Now 'Wow' won the east prominent and MusicRadio China TOP ranking 'female'. Its long transition 2010 album 'a I fish were first week then G - Taiwan Double top [music , album of the English song 'I miss u missing me' by the British after singer Leona Lewis, cover. By 2013, she in China for 7 consecutive years annual sales champion, and became the first list include music wind and cloud and so on six big awards 'beautiful singer, popular singer, best album' award of China mainland singer. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
related: fashion glasses fashion sunglasses
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