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Chen fala appeared puyi glasses centre, Tsim Sha Tsui shop product launches

by:Eugenia     2020-08-27
Chen fala appeared PUYI glasses centre, Tsim Sha Tsui shop launch PUYI ZEISS Experience conference will be held in PUYI glasses centre, Tsim Sha Tsui in-store, wear low bosom skirt, Chen fa 30 with Patrick dunn, was invited to attend the press conference of PUYI glasses '. Who talk to themselves have myopia fala Chen, said didn't test for vision correction surgery, also don't need to think only of more than three hundred degrees. Puyi glasses puyi glasses co. , LTD. Hong Kong domestic stores importers of dalian hundred million abundant trade co. , LTD. , is in dalian free trade zone registered Hong Kong sole-source investment enterprise, registered capital of 30 million Hong Kong dollars. So far, puyi glasses co. , LTD. , Hong Kong, there are 18 stores in Hong Kong, there are 38 in the domestic retail stores. The open a store in dalian puyi company in the first store in North-East of China, the first phase of investment about 5 million yuan, annual sales is expected to exceed 10 million yuan, the main distribution dunhill, montblanc, porsche, ferrari, tiger tag heuer, bulgari, Allen kore, Croatia, etc more than ten high-end brand glasses. Puyi group in Hong Kong and China's high-end glasses retail, strength,'s store had gathered the world-class brand, excellence service level, the image is unique, is a handful of store brand in the industry. Puyi group - Behind the Chinese name is the trend of glasses and the standard embodies the cultural exchanges between China and western countries. Named China's last emperor pu yi, the historical figures, deeply influenced by western culture face round glasses as the symbol of Chinese and western culture, temperament just coincided with the group. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact
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