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Glasses brand display: look at the future through the glasses, eyes lit appearance fashion life

by:Eugenia     2020-08-15
“ Look at the future through the glasses & # 8221; — — This is Japan's glasses brand JINS ( Eye position) On the Chinese glasses glasses brand slogan of the market. When you are on the & # 8220; Glasses & # 8221; The concept of still stays in the & # 8220; Correct myopic astigmatism tools & # 8221; Or the & # 8220; Keep out the sun in summer and ultraviolet & # 8221; If erect JINS glasses on the bridge of the nose, may have can see beyond the expectations of the future.

has always been adhering to the & # 8220; Low price, high quality & # 8221; Concept of JINS glasses, are the glasses fashion trend sweeping the to Shanghai, China. February 20 JINS ( Eye position) Glasses first stores in Shanghai Shanghai world center at six o 'clock the night before the store opened, flow the hugely popular in young women benefit if Tsubasa fashion airflow, lujiazui world financial center and the second floor in the round square filled with young and warm breath - — From Tokyo glasses brand fashion leader if yi Tsubasa personally involved in the design and manufacture Tsubasa JINS x series, laid a sentiment foundation for brand glasses opened the Shanghai market. Hundreds of beautiful MM, chasing trends through selected JINS official weibo activity positively, to the store in the heart of the Shanghai world, was the first to appreciate the cutting-edge fashion glasses from Tokyo. They are wearing different shape, different color combinations JINS glasses to light a new STYLE, a photo, also enjoy the special treatment, by the idea of a fashionista profit if Tsubasa personally advice on how to use the different shape of glasses, to match each kind of clothing collocation. At the scene of many MM said that while also keen to study how to match clothes at ordinary times, how to choose a hat earrings and other small adornment to go with, really thought glasses can also dress up as all sorts of beautiful model.
it is worth mentioning that the & # 8220; Low price, high quality & # 8221; JINS of brand concept has been extended to Shanghai, China, here, you can with the populist 399 yuan price, buy beautiful or handsome style JINS glasses, at the same time, no matter you with beautiful framework of myopia glasses degree; Or just in order to create different STYLE and want to buy 1 glasses adornment, can satisfy your JINS, realizing the function of modelling and pay equal attention to.
more to Shanghai glasses control the caper, February 21, followed by Shanghai JINS. 1 store opened, on March 1, Shanghai JINS 2 shop will open stores in ise Dan. Shanghai love beautiful eyebrow in the United States, is enjoy the & # 8220; Home & # 8221; All the convenience of in home can always buy the goes in tide tips JINS glasses, zero distance experience from Tokyo, Japan fashion taste.
said to February 20 atmosphere hot event, have to say something about Tsubasa x JINS this to a position of fashion series. If this is JINS glasses and between Tsubasa sparks of fashion. As early as 2009 JINS brand is excavated in Tokyo fashion leader if yi Tsubasa high commercial value and fashion taste, and she began the cooperation. In December 2009, Tsubasa JINS x the first batch of products, its products sold out in short time and the sales performance, even if yi Tsubasa all alarm & # 8220; Didn't think of! ” She excitedly said: & # 8220; Although with JINS glasses had a lot of cooperation, but the first play products, in just a month is sold more than 20000 pair, become a dark horse, glasses market is really surprising. Sold out after JINS optician, there are many consumer to call request production of this series of products. ” So Tsubasa JINS x series in Japan continues to roam the glasses on the market, in May 2010, in numerous consumer outcry, Tsubasa JINS x series second fashionable new products was born, it moves a bit below the belt first play products, so far has sold more than 100000 a by-product.
if you want to ask Tsubasa JINS x would have the third bomb? The answer is yes, and just at your doorstep - — Shanghai. This year, the 1985 born in the year of the petite fashion models designed supervisor Tsubasa JINS x series of the third play glasses products in China and Japan at the same time, is now coming to Shanghai.
JINS glasses for Chinese consumers, may say is familiar strangers, young people love anime maybe is no stranger to the brand. Because it was not long ago, JINS glasses and wildly popular anime 'one piece' in the creative cooperation and comply with cartoon modelling of several main characters in the image of the glasses, under anime fans. The ensuing is EVA series are on selling. Now the JINS of holding the world young people are keen on fashion, the cooperation with beneficial if Tsubasa is proof of that. JINS is such a consistently pursue development and innovation of glasses enterprises, in 2001, it formally in Japan promoting low-cost high quality glasses market competition areas, nine years later, in 2010, JINS brand in China. In October, 2010 JINS glasses to open the Chinese market, in shenyang, established the group 100% subsidiary & # 8220; Auspicious appearance trade ( Shenyang) Co. , LTD. & # 8221; In December, the same year, with China's number one shop's identity, & # 8220; JINS shenyang store & # 8221; Officially opened. After some struggle, in China in June 2011, & # 8220; JINS tianjin store & # 8221; Immediately opened, the figure of JINS extend to tianjin. Two months later, shenyang opened the second stores, name & # 8220; Shenyang Joy City shop & # 8221; To consolidate JINS brand glasses market appeal in shenyang in China. Just four months later, in December, 2011 JINS of tianjin Joy City announced officially open shop.

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Internet post: glasses sunglasses factory network
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