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Star street color sunglasses match deduce the trend

by:Eugenia     2020-08-17
The popular trend of sunglasses already more and more obvious, sunglasses and dress collocation lead the first wave of dress collocation. Fashion in the summer, the street essential sunglasses, single black-rimmed glasses how can meet the tide people heart of love? Let's take a look at the stars is how to choose the sunglasses, deduce fashion trends. Eva Mendes retro VINTAGE dress, have a lot of rocks in the eighty s. Eva was born in the United States is a kind of Spain amorous feelings, sexy thick lips and three-dimensional facial features even naked makeup sexy enough. With the mixed color of glasses is correspond with the clothing. Jessica Alba lake green sunglasses with green lake in harmony. Paris Hilton Bohemian amorous feelings, low-cut dress with white frame sunglasses, dye-in-the-wood beauties. Stylist Elisa Nalin, yellow suit, pink bud silk shirt, blue linen skirts, candy color hit color, red frame sunglasses add color. Title: star street color sunglasses match deduce the current post: glasses sunglasses factory network
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