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Stella McCartney 'cat's eye sunglasses' popular

by:Eugenia     2020-08-19
Believe many people know that the Stella McCartney, is she is a member of the Beatles Beatles - Paul McCartney's daughter, have been nurtured by the rock and roll the Stella McCartney ( StellaMcCartney) And famous universities in London's central saint martins ( CentralSaintMartinsCollege) Major in fine arts and design. Stella McCartney ( StellaMcCartney) Fashion is to wear comfortable, sexy and modern style, as she had hoped, her design can bring women feeling of strength and confidence. Her dress design has been welcomed by the big star, recently, she design 'cat's eye' sunglasses also began to be a star, design is not exaggerated but individual character is dye-in-the-wood, line is simple, border diversification, such as Jessica alba (a lot of stars JessicaAlba) , Anne hathaway ( AnneHathaway) , kirsten dunst ( KirstenDunst) Are in love.
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