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Yellow shades the eye. It's light brown

by:Eugenia     2020-08-04
Holiday, a small wearing sunglasses in the outdoor photo is on the 'mirror', have 'rocks'. The reporter understands recently visited the various glasses stores, the present various stores also annual sunglasses sales peak. To this, an ophthalmologist warns a citizen, with sunglasses don't just look at picture frame worthy to face, lens color match not worthy to color of skin, the key depends on whether the sunglasses can effectively stop the harmful light, avoid injury to the eye structure, induced glaucoma. Recommended reading: what's good about often wear polarized sunglasses lens color is not as deep as possible go out in the summer, sunglasses is almost a 'standard', in diverse styles and the lens of glasses in the shop, how to choose a pair of suitable sunglasses? Recently, the second affiliated hospital of guangzhou medical university, said in an interview with Dr Xiang-yin sha, director of the ophthalmology sunglasses with face match not worthy, do not just look at picture frame glasses with color can't match the color, more important is to look at the sunglasses on the degree of blocking harmful rays. 'Consumers have a common error, think the lens, to people's eyes, the better. 'Said xiang-yin sha, resist harmful light has nothing to do with the lens color shades, mainly related to material and membrane layer. Cause harm to the human eye has a visible and invisible light, dark sunglasses to block some light damage to the eyes, but it is difficult to block harmful ultraviolet (uv) and blue light. If unable to block harmful light, dark lenses can accentuate instead of harmful to human eyes light structure damage, induced glaucoma. Polarized lens more eye xiang-yin sha, sunshine contains a large number of ultraviolet and infrared, if do not pay attention to protect your eyes, don't wear sunglasses to go out, eyes are very vulnerable. What color of glasses can protect your eyes most? The doctor advised, the best choose yellow, dark brown lens, they can have eye health and reduce the visual fatigue, raise the comfortable rate of the eyes, for the most part and can effectively prevent harmful rays. The doctor introduction, black, dark brown, gray, sunglasses, filter effect is different. The grey lenses can absorb infrared and 98% of ultraviolet; Dark brown lens can filter out a lot of blue light, which can improve visual contrast and clarity. Suggest citizens when choosing lenses, not first consider 'personalization' and 'lining colour factors', should not let an eye point of view of comfortable, health care and so on. In addition to choose lens color, look at the lens material is also very important. 'The best sun glasses polarized lens should be used. It USES as well as contact lenses and precision of synthetic resin. 'The doctor, good quality glass lenses can stop commonly 60% ~ 70% of harmful light, ordinary organic glass can stop only 50% of the harmful rays. Citizens in the observation should be paid attention to when choosing products packaging labeling, regular sunglasses should be marked with name, color, diameter, quality levels, production factory name and trademark, the mirror or tags are marked as both UVA and UVB rays and CE mark sunglasses can ensure that block uv. Children will also be necessary to wear sunglasses summer outdoor can often see children wearing lovely, strange shape of sunglasses. Parents have asked: children is it necessary to wear sunglasses? Eye doctor think it is necessary, 'eye protection should be from prevention. The light of the long-term damage accumulation to a certain degree, will cause children eye structure and problems of the lens. Especially to children under the age of 3, visual function is not yet mature, should avoid to be stimulated strongly sun direct '. Doctor remind, school-age children with sunglasses, color don't choose too deep, also don't wear for a long time, lest affect visual function adjustment. From vision protection into consideration, suggested that parents don't literally on the street to give children buy sunglasses, best to conform to the requirements of the health, optical glasses for professional and licensed hospitals, institutions of choose and buy. Health tip: choose sunglasses? 1. Pick the lens color yellow, dark brown lens ( Experts recommend) : can have eye care and reduce the visual fatigue, raise the comfortable rate of the eye effect, and can effectively prevent the vast majority of harmful rays. Dark brown lens can filter out a lot of blue light, which can improve visual contrast and clarity. Grey lens: can absorb infrared and 98% of the ultraviolet ray. 2. See the best sun glasses lens material should use polarized lens, it USES as well as contact lenses and precision is made of synthetic resin. Good quality glass lenses can prevent commonly 60% ~ 70% of harmful light, ordinary organic glass can stop only 50% of the harmful rays. 3. See the labeling the mirror or tags have marked as both UVA and UVB rays and CE mark of sunglasses, can ensure that block uv. 吗? 吗?
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