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Yuan Shanshan black covered face appeared at the Beijing airport

by:Eugenia     2020-09-01
Recently in the early morning, Yuan Shanshan appeared at the Beijing airport, with staff to start early in the morning that she talk to the staff happy, the mood is good, white flat shoes match cowboy small coat and pure and fresh bright beautiful, without makeup state in the public eye, black face, star flavour is dye-in-the-wood. Yuan Shanshan black ( Sunglasses) Covered face appeared at the Beijing airport SAN SAN yuan ( Mabel Yuan) Female artist, mainland China, was born on February 22, 1987, xiangyang city, hubei province, graduated from Beijing film academy 05 level undergraduate class, she is now in the positive studio artists. Dance when I was a child was old architect do students to take a fancy to a close, and even had been persuaded to home, mother was afraid of practicing dance injury body without consent. Mother let the SAN SAN yuan began to learn the violin. Determined to take an examination of art colleges yuen shanshan had planned to learn to sing songs, but the teacher let the SAN SAN yuan learn acting, for SAN SAN yuan show nothing, listen to the teacher's professional advice, attended the Beijing film academy 2005 undergraduates in performance. Pictures from the network, if you want to delete please contact kaity @ yichao. Cn
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